Monday, December 19, 2011

Re-Sawing Prep

I didn't spend a lot of time in the shop on Sunday.  Lora wanted to get out of the house, and so we went for a movie (the new Sherlock Holmes movie -- fun, but no depth) and Chinese food (a moment of nostalgia for the restaurants in Chicago -- so much better). 

I did, however, put together what I will need to do my re-sawing.  On the left, is a tall fence.  I used it in making the raised panels for apothecary cabinet as well.  I clamp the panel to it, then run it across my table saw with the blade set at a 15 degree angle or so.  For re-sawing, I clamp it to the bandsaw fence, adjust the table so it is perfectly square to the blade, then back it away 3/16ths or so from the blade and slowly, slowly, slowly feed the stock.  In front of it are my thickness calipers (will be buying a better soon) and a push tool.  The push tool I put together from off cuts left from the bench.  Next is the piece of redwood that I hope to re-saw, the template, and scrap perforated hardboard that I will tape over the re-sawed plates to protect them.

The redwood I found at Owl lumber back in Lombard.  It was originally intended as decking, but someone recognized the grain and set it aside (and marked it up).  When you rap the plank with your knuckles, it rings, so I believe it has good acoustic properties.  It book matches beautifully, and finishes well.  I don't know how it will go, re-sawing the wood at my school, but we'll give it a shot.  I want to make some progress on an actual guitar.  I'll also check on the parts for my bandsaw today.  It should be relatively quiet at work -- most people already away for the Christmas holiday.  Peace on earth, good will toward people. 

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